Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Our New Venture

Kim is finishing writing her book on helpful smart solutions for mothers soon and we have had it in our plans to teach courses on the topics that she covers in her book.  She has started a business blog for some of the topics she covers in her book, tips and tricks, and to sell or recommend the different health products she recommends through vigorous research and personal results (so they are only things we've used and fervently believe in).  That blog is MomOf3LivingSmartly.blogspot.com 

Its funny because we found a company that sells Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils (called doTerra) and it has the option for being a distributor and teaching health courses as well.  They are definitely on top of their game because most of their information that they distribute actually falls in line with the extensive research that Kim has done.  It seems like a lot of people and places overlook much of the research that has been done on health, so this is a very good perk.  We have decided to teach, distribute, and lead others to do the same when they desire to (and if not, we can help people get the products at wholesale pricing).

We feel like we are entrepreneurs, teachers, and leaders at heart and are so excited to do this and share it with everyone!  Hopefully we will be able to travel as a family this summer because of this too.  That would be so fun!  We can't wait to develop a great team and lead people to succeed in both their desires to be as healthy as possible for their family and be financially successful.