Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Personal and Business Growth... Shared!

Ok, so there has been a lot of personal development going on the past little while.  I'm doing a bunch of hypno work to help myself just like I did in my pregnancy with Daisy but I am broadening that out into my other aspects of life such as our family attitude, health, and business.  I found a technique, that when combined with the hypno techniques I already knew, can help heal those painful blocks that keep us from reaching our greatest potential in any area of our lives.

Kirk and I are very excited to share these techniques with others around us.  We have now decided that our true purpose in life is sharing our solutions to health, sharing techniques for releasing your powerful inner strength, and bringing greater joy to families and entrepreneurs through photo and video work.

We are developing a couple programs to help people breakthrough inner blocks and hinderances right now.  We are calling it our Hypno-Success Series.  It will help others use methods we have found in multiple areas of life for the greatest success.  I like to think of our program like taking caterpillars and helping them discover their inner butterfly.  It is far too common to let fear lead our actions into never opening our wings to fly.  We all have unique wings and should let ourselves fly.  Whether this be through Birth and Children or giving back to those around us through our Careers and Ambitions or Goals, we each have a part in impacting the lives around us, near and far.

Like I said its all mostly in the development phase right now, though we do already have a lot of material put together to give.  If you are excited and want more information please either comment below this post or email us at momof3livingsmartly@gmail.com and we will send you some extra material.  You can also go to MomOf3LivingSmartly.blogspot.com for my blog that gives tips and tricks on all kinds of natural solutions along with nutrition.  Its been really fun to put that together for y'all.  :)  No, I don't actually have that accent, but it is very tempting and exciting to use that verbage sometimes.  LOL  

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Belief Breakthrough Class We Attended

I am still so excited about a class Kirk and I went to last Saturday.  It was a called Breakthrough and was to help people become more successful in whatever they are working on.
It was so powerful and inspiring!  Having teachers like Heather Madder who is a success coach for a living and Andy Goddard who is also very successful was so exciting for me.  They brought to light some thing I totally agree with but hadn't thought much about, along with teaching us through some really fun activities.  To look someone in the eyes without saying anything for a full 60 seconds.  Wow.  It was awkward, challenging, emotional, stimulating, and ultimately eye opening.  I had no idea how connected that could make me feel to someone I don't and won't know anything about.  By the end my partner and I both had tears in our eyes.  It was unforgettable.  Heather also showed us a technique like muscle testing that she called "Simply Heal" that I was really interested in.

The next day Kirk and I tried to use this "Simply Heal" technique and had a really cool experience.  As I was saying the positive affirmations that he was telling me to say at the end he got to one that my body would not allow me to say.  Every time I tried I would feel so much hurt in my chest and I ended up balling.  We reworked it and I was able to work past that block.  I think this must be one of the ways that hypnosis therapy works to help the subconscious overcome past hardships.

It was amazing and recorded, so if you want to go see it here is the link http://new.livestream.com/doterrapro/events/2070764

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Our New Venture

Kim is finishing writing her book on helpful smart solutions for mothers soon and we have had it in our plans to teach courses on the topics that she covers in her book.  She has started a business blog for some of the topics she covers in her book, tips and tricks, and to sell or recommend the different health products she recommends through vigorous research and personal results (so they are only things we've used and fervently believe in).  That blog is MomOf3LivingSmartly.blogspot.com 

Its funny because we found a company that sells Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils (called doTerra) and it has the option for being a distributor and teaching health courses as well.  They are definitely on top of their game because most of their information that they distribute actually falls in line with the extensive research that Kim has done.  It seems like a lot of people and places overlook much of the research that has been done on health, so this is a very good perk.  We have decided to teach, distribute, and lead others to do the same when they desire to (and if not, we can help people get the products at wholesale pricing).

We feel like we are entrepreneurs, teachers, and leaders at heart and are so excited to do this and share it with everyone!  Hopefully we will be able to travel as a family this summer because of this too.  That would be so fun!  We can't wait to develop a great team and lead people to succeed in both their desires to be as healthy as possible for their family and be financially successful.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A cool cooking from food storage find!

When we went to the preparedness fair for our stake, one of the classes was on pressure cooking from a lady named Anitra.  Not only did she open my eyes to an appliance I'd never seen called an electric pressure cooker that can give perfect beans cooked from dry in only 24 minutes, she also talked about ways of putting together and organizing your pantry to get the most out of it.  Her ideas are very similar to mine in a lot of ways, however I would like to implement my own twist on them by doing them in a different way that I feel would keep the food good longer and make more sense along with being healthier for my family and our needs.  She has tons of cooking and pantry how to videos, check them out if you want.  I liked this video for a fun thing to do when I entertain guests.  :)  www.simplylivingsmart.com

Friday, March 15, 2013

A Mothers Natural Care For Both Viral & Bacterial Infections

Here is an excerpt from my book on natural healthcare.  These tips have helped the things that used to last for weeks only last a couple days.  Its awesome!  I did notice that there were two things I didn't remember to put in this excerpt, so I'll have to go edit my book.  I'll write those here though.

A supplement of Fermented Cod Liver Oil gives many fat soluble vitamins that are ineffective if taken without the right type of healthy fats and also gives a lot of probiotics at the same time.  Thats super nice cause probiotics help our bodies fight off illness and function properly, but it is so hard to get them into our kids that can't swallow capsules.  That makes this oil perfect for kids.  I just get the kind that has that measuring squirter thing from "Real Foods Market" in Orem (soon to have one in Sugarhouse).

Lots of Food Derived Vitamin C & Immune Boost Supplements mixed into juice.  The best is obviously fresh juice from carrots, celery, beets, greens, and apples, but I also use the store bought apple juice with these supplements too.

The last thing I didn't cover is a homemade veggie or bone broth made into a soup works almost like a superfood to help boost your immune system.  There are also a bunch of other superfoods to choose from too.  Hope you enjoy the excerpt below.  Happy Healing!  :)      

Monday, March 11, 2013

The Healing & Weight Loss Diet Meal Plan is Coming Soon...

It is taking so much longer than I expected to get my meal plan put together.  Its a "beast" to say the least.  I am typing up all the ingredients and amounts used weekly so that I can have a good 2 weeks shopping list and am hoping to do it just perfect so that we don't spend more than $300 a month like I want to budget a month for our family of 5.  A lot of what I have written thus far I wrote in a very simple text program and because it isn't all pretty yet it makes it kinda hard to follow for me and my mild dyslexia symptoms.  I guess that means I'm gonna need to take it into photoshop soon.  :)  I love photoshop!  This diet is a 7 phase diet and Kirk really wants to know when it will be over, so even though you can take as long as you want on each phase, I am going to put a 1 month time frame to them so that my hubby can feel better about it.  He's excited because he knows that we'll get healthier and I think he's pretty excited about all the weight loss we've had and are going to continue to have by following it diligently.  When I get the first 2 phases looking a bit prettier in photoshop so you can enjoy looking at them more, I'll post them on here so you can use them.  :)  Lots of requests, so here's as good a place as any.  I just ask that once you see results or have input for me, to come back to me with that input and those stories.  Thanks for the motivation to get it out to you by requesting this!  I'll try to get done with it really soon.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Kids want to say "Hi" to Family

Today we made some videos while Kirk was at work.  The kids really wanted to talk to Papa Jack, Grandma Jean, Uncle Matt, Nama & Pop-Pop.  Hope you guys get to see these and enjoy watching how cute the kids are as much as I enjoyed filming them. :)  P.S. Daisy is almost 9 months old now... isn't it crazy?