Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A cool cooking from food storage find!

When we went to the preparedness fair for our stake, one of the classes was on pressure cooking from a lady named Anitra.  Not only did she open my eyes to an appliance I'd never seen called an electric pressure cooker that can give perfect beans cooked from dry in only 24 minutes, she also talked about ways of putting together and organizing your pantry to get the most out of it.  Her ideas are very similar to mine in a lot of ways, however I would like to implement my own twist on them by doing them in a different way that I feel would keep the food good longer and make more sense along with being healthier for my family and our needs.  She has tons of cooking and pantry how to videos, check them out if you want.  I liked this video for a fun thing to do when I entertain guests.  :)  www.simplylivingsmart.com

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