Tuesday, February 19, 2013

He's Getting Ready To Film His Viral Video

This weekend was so productive!  Kirk took over the garage and set up this huge area with a green screen and most of his instruments for making up a band.  We finally have all of his drum set out from storage!  He worked on writing out, planning and practicing quite a bit of music that he is planning on playing for some artistic videos he wants to make.  He didn't film in the 8 hours I let him work out there on Saturday, but he'll probrably film soon and once he films and edits it in Final Cut Pro I expect he'll be super excited to see if it ends up going viral.  He wants a lot of people to get excited about how cool he is going to make it.  He really doesn't have time during the week because of work, but maybe he can film this weekend.

The kids were very good too, giving me some much needed time to work on my book.  Yes!  We got so much done!  Sometimes with 3 kids and work at home its hard to feel productive because the kids are so much work to take care of, but there are good days like this that seem to work out perfectly too.

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