Wow... Its amazing how much happier and better it feels to make a decision to combine so much of what I love to do in one place. This decision brought so much introspection and peace. I feel like I've really started to re-find myself amidst all the craziness around me, just by doing this, its great!
Since my last post, I have had some great experiences. I went to a baby shower of a dear friend of mine who just adopted an adorable baby girl on Saturday. It was a fun little celebration with her friends and family. The host of her shower had a beautiful and large home that my hubby and I admired greatly. We just recently purchased a home that we went into knowing it would be a starter home because it doesn't fit us in quite every aspect of how we would like to grow as a family and business. If we did not have our business it would fit much better, but that is not who we are or want to be. Also we want to have many more children in our future (at least a couple more years down the road though). Its not super conducive to more children fitting. We wanted to buy a place that would fit all our future dreams so we could stay in it forever if we wanted but fell short in qualifying funds by about $30,000-$55,000 for what we found that fit that desire. It made more sense to not rent anymore and settle into a starter home that was functional, cute, old, and had a lot of character along with an amazing yard and garden. Because we chose a different more financially logical residence we still ogle at homes that would have appealed to us while we were looking.
Anyway, back to the topic. The couple that owned the home that this party was hosted at were so amazing! They were entrepreneurs just like Kirk and I. It is so fun to meet others with the entrepreneur spirit. The big difference is that they had been doing businesses of sorts for much much longer with substantial success. I was awed at how much success they had actually attained when I looked up their information online later. They gave my mother in-law a bottle of a natural supplement and being the detail oriented person I am I wanted to see what it was and what was in it. I am very picky about supplements and healthcare guidance because I have a deep passionate love for natural health and have been researching and writing a book on the topic for over 2 years now (hoping to finish it before this summer). I didn't really have an opinion about it at that point but was very interested in learning about it and had a distinct impression that I could really see myself and my hubby working with this woman and her husband on some type of entrepreneurial venture. I voiced an interest and told her that I was writing a book and she gave me some of her information before I left.
I then researched their product and business. I tried to think of ways I could implement their business in my life. They are an amazing and brand new MLM company called Ocean Avenue that started in September. They have the best compensation plan of them all, value and include the family in their business strategies, and have what appears from my small amount of research to be a great product. I came up with lots of ideas for how I could become involved in their MLM and product line. Then I realized something about myself. I will always get excited about good opportunities. Though this was a good opportunity for someone, it was not one for me. The reason is simple. I am a person who is not satisfied with my work unless I have a creating element in it. This could be creating something that is more left brained that is not seen like a workflow or budget. It could be something right brained (that seems more creative) like a design element or something that is sold like a book. Even if I was financially successful in their business and implemented it with the other things I am doing, I would not feel emotionally successful unless I were given a task or something that could be produced or used by the company. This being the case, I now know that I don't have the right personality to join any MLM. For the right personality, this would be an awesome opportunity, but it would not satisfy what my inner being would need to be content with my contribution style for my work.
Its nice to learn something new about myself like that. So for the moment I am making my next goal to test out some new health information and dietary recommendations that may help my health conditions and if they work as well as I am thinking they will, I will have a lot more to add to my book. I am very excited about adding my newfound knowledge from research (into Leaky Gut Syndrome, Gut and Psychology Disorder (GAPS), Body Ecology Diet (BED), ADHD food cure, along with their similarities and health ties to the Paleo diet and the My Feel Good Foods diet) to my book. I do need to test my hypothesis on myself before writing on it however, for two reasons, 1-my health has been struggling of and on for a while with an auto-immune disease and more recently consistent blood in my stools that I need to cure; 2-there is a lot of conflicting studies and opinions on health and so there needs to be some type of system to determining what is actual truth vs. what is just someones opposing opinion and what is right to actually do for me (although some argue that all thoughts and teaching are opinion and perspective making truth just another perspective rather than an absolute in most things). This week I have a pretty intensive diet planned and hope not to make so many exceptions like its easy for me to do, so wish me luck!
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